Music commissions are open!

Ladies and gentlemen, today is the day I finally said “fuck it” and did something I’d been contemplating for a long while but hesitating on for no good reason. Today is the day I finally opened music commissions.

Ever since I started producing music back in 2012, I’ve accumulated a vast amount of experience in composing, arranging and mixing a multitude of genres. One of my greatest strengths in music is my willingness to experiment and learn new things, which has resulted in an ever-expanding repertoire of stylistic ability. And it’s about time I put all of that into good use and offer myself up for working on projects that aren’t strictly personal.

I specialize in composing for video games but am able and willing to work on other types of projects as well. I can produce a variety of different styles, including but not limited to orchestral, ambient, metal, chiptune etc.

If you’re interested, head on over to the Commissions page and give the samples a listen! And if they sound like something that makes you go “yeah, I want to commission this guy”, please don’t hesitate to shoot me an e-mail! Contact details can be found on either the Commissions page or Links/Contact.

I’m eagerly awaiting your commission requests!

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